County Commission Report: Party and Ethnicity
Statistics were compiled January 15, 2010.
Quality Ranking
Quality ranking is based on how many times a voter voted in the last five (5) elections for which they were eligible to vote. The dates selected are subjective; however there is consistency in quality ranking no matter what dates are selected. Please review our White Paper on "Who Votes" for an analysis of why voting consistency is more important than any one election date.
Dates Used For Quality Ranking
Because of nuances, quality ranking must be done on a county-by-county basis using dates appropriate to each county. We generate several reports which allow us to select dates appropriate to identifying at least 5% of the voters as quality 5 in our ranking system.
Some counties are occasionally missing common election dates such as county-wide primaries. Perhaps there was no opposition candidate for a county-wide election thereby eliminating the need for that primary. There is also the possibility that an election was contested. In that case, the county would not certify the election and the results would not be posted.
The following are the dates used for our current State by County statistics:
Brevard, Duval and Orange
All Other Counties
Absentee Ballot (AB) and Early Voters
We maintain voter histories of all Absentee Ballot and Early voters.
For our records, an AB voter is anyone who has voted AB at least once in the last 24 months. The same is true for Early voters.
Extraneous Data Removed
In the interest of clarity, extraneous voters have been excluded from the data used in our statistics. For instance, if a Congressional District reflects only 4 voters in a particular county, they are excluded from the data set used in these statistics. Our assumption is that these anomalies are errors on the part of the the Supervisor of Elections for that particular county. Errors do occur when you have 11 million records.
We are not responsible for errors in the voter data, and we do not claim that these statistics are 100% accurate. As stated previously on this page, there are inevitably errors in 11,000,000 records. We do believe, however, that any existing errors are generally inconsequential to the statistical validity of our published statistics.
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