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You will need to call or e-mail us regarding all orders. The products we produce are usually too complicated or detailed to be purchased by a "shopping cart."

Campaign Finance Law

Florida campaign finance law is designed to provide financial transparency for every Florida election. We believe that the intent and spirit of the law requires documentation reflecting that campaign monies are being spent on an actual campaign related activities and products, and that there are sufficient funds in the account to cover all expenditures. To that end, we will furnish every candidate, treasurer, or client, all documentation necessary to ensure compliance with State law.

If you have questions, we suggest that you seek professional legal advice on any question related to campaign finance.

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Payment Options

Payment options allow for direct payment to Campaign Data, or processing your payments through PaySimple, our web based payment processing system.

PaySimple is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We are highly satisfied with PaySimple's internet reputation as well as the internet security measures they employ.

Registering with PaySimple for the initial payment through their system, is part of the the validation requirements of the financial institution honoring the merchant account. PaySimple is prohibited from soliciting services or products from Campaign Data clients. Nor can they use your data for other purposes.

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Campaign Account Payments

The easiest way to begin using our products and services is to just call us.


The initial purchase of Campaign Data packages, products or services should be by campaign account check. It establishes the paper trail required by State law, and it establishes a comfortable working relationship between you and Campaign Data.

Wire Transfer

  • Wire Transfer Payment (under construction)

Wire transfers can be expensive for campaign accounts. They should be reserved for major purchases where time is of the essence.

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Non-Campaign Account Payments

Campaign managers, incumbents purchasing non-campaign related products, pollsters, researchers, and persons interested in accessing their viability for office.


Credit Card