
Voter Demographics

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Demographics photoEvery candidate should have a firm knowledge of the demographics of the district he or she intends to represent. Besides the obvious fact that you need to know the makeup of your constituency in order to adequately represent their interests, it is difficult to get elected unless you know which voters to target based on your district's demographic makeup.

We Are Experts in Demographics

Our demographics represent an 18 month investment in programming to produce the most valuable and frequently requested counts upon which to base campaign strategy. We know what a campaign needs, because we have been data consultants, not just data vendors, in hundreds of campaigns over the past 12 years. We consider ourselves, as do our clients, to be experts in the field of Florida voter demographics.

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Two Demographic Packages

We offer two demographic packages: summary demographics and detail demographics.

Summary Demographics
The summary demographic package is by far the most popular and has proven adequate for most campaigns. These demographics consist of an extensive set of summary reports for a particular district or universe, and include the following analysis categories:

All Voters 4 reports, 11 graphs
  New Voters 4 reports, 11 graphs
  Quality 4 Plus Voters 4 reports, 11 graphs
  Ranking by Precinct 11 reports
  Absentee Voters 4 reports
  Early Voters 4 reports
  Voters by Household 3 reports
  Miscellaneous 7 subcategories

PDF icon Download Sample Demographic Summaries (570 k)

Detail Demographics (Add-on)
The Detail Demographic package is an adjunct to the Summary Demographics. The Detail Demographics should only be requested along with the Summary Demographics. This package consists of 30 reports broken down into three analysis categories:

  All Voters 10 reports
  New Voters 10 reports
  Quality 4 Plus Voters 10 reports

In order to take full advantage of the detail demographics, a campaign will require adequate resources to run a campaign at the precinct level. Detail demographics can be daunting, especially for large districts, but it can be used by a campaign which either targets specific precincts based on specific criteria or a campaign that utilizes individual precinct "captains" who run a precinct level campaign.

pdf icon Download Sample Detail Demographics (340 k)

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Summary Demographics Are Free With Processing

When you purchase the data for a district, you receive the Summary Demographics for free, simply because I cannot envision a successful campaign without the necessary tools. Demographics and data go hand in hand.

We also provide demographics on a fee basis without the data, for those individuals who are perhaps simply considering whether to run in a seat and need to determine their viability. Refer to the pricing page.

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Why We Use Quality 4 Instead of Quality 3 Counts For Summary Demographics

The quality 4 plus summary demographics are a "snapshot" of the demographics of the best voters. It is not designed to identify the voters who are going to vote, which traditionally are quality 3 plus voters. It is a narrow window into the makeup of the community designed to hone strategy to the voters that matter. In other sections of this web site, we explain the importance of pursuing quality 3 or better voters in terms of the "greatest bang for the buck."

If you want to know the number of individual quality 3 or better voters in the district, please refer to the precinct ranking summaries where there is a report which ranks precincts by the number or percentage of quality 3 or better voters in each precinct.

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Districts Extending Over County Lines

Many State districts run across county lines. For instance, a State House District may include half the precincts in one county and 1/4 of the precincts in a second county. We have found, in situations like this, that a candidate will need a demographic report for each county and an additional report that includes all the voters in the entire district. Because each county may have different concerns or issues, most campaigns with this type of district configuration will target the individual counties differently.

If you are running in a multi-county district, Please call us to discuss the demographic report options.

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Demographics for Partisan Primaries

Many candidates who have partisan primaries request demographics for only their own party's registered voters, Republican or Democrat. This can be accomplished with the demographics by simply using only the voters of the party of choice. The format of the demographics may seem a little odd because the opposite party is not represented; however, the demographics provide an interesting and usually valuable perspective based strictly along party lines.

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Custom Demographics

We can produce custom demographic packages using our same format but using less traditional subdivisions. Here are some examples:

  • Media Market by County; e.g. demographics of the Orlando Media market by counties Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter, and Volusia

  • County of your choice by all the County Commission Districts in the County

  • County of your choice by all the municipalities in the county and the unincorporated area (dependent on availability of municipal precinct identification)

  • County of your choice by zip codes

  • County Commission Seat of your choice by all the municipalities in the district and the unincorporated area (dependent on municipal precinct identification)

Also, by parsing a universe using ethnic, age, gender or other criteria, we can arrive at ever more targeted demographic reports. For instance, suppose we use only African American voters for our universe. We then run the demographics based on counties in Florida. Although much or all of this same information may be located in our more generalized summary and detail demographic reports, custom demographics using narrow universes are frequently easier to interpret.

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